The New Mama (PREORDER)
$ 39.99 USD
The New Mama cookbook is a comprehensive guide to holistic postpartum recovery, blending ancient Ayurvedic wisdom with modern nutritional science to support mothers in their healing journey. It provides a 6-week plan with 48 nourishing recipes designed to minimize common postpartum challenges such as fatigue, brain fog, emotional instability, and mood disorders. This cookbook empowers new moms to thrive physically, mentally, and emotionally during the postpartum period, giving them the resources they need to combat the postpartum period with confidence and vitality.

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What's inside

The New Mama is a unique blend of a cookbook and meal plan, carefully structured to guide you through the first 6 weeks of postpartum recovery. With 48 unique recipes, each week introduces a fresh set of meals focused on specific ingredients and nutrients to support your body’s healing needs.

From iron-rich dishes for replenishing blood loss to anti-inflammatory ingredients that soothe aches and pains, the book is designed to help you progress through your recovery with nourishing meals tailored to each stage, ensuring that you rebuild your strength, support your milk supply, and restore your overall health.

Unlike many other postpartum cookbooks that rely on unfamiliar or hard-to-find ingredients, The New Mama uses simple, familiar ingredients that are both comforting and appealing to the Western palate. Each recipe is thoughtfully crafted to ensure that while the flavors are recognizable and enjoyable, they still provide the essential nutrients needed for optimal healing and recovery.

This way, you can nourish your body without having to compromise on taste or accessibility.

Who this cookbook is for

Most mamas are very intentional and mindful of their diet during pregnancy, but then postpartum comes and with little time, energy, or support to prepare nutrient dense meals, they're left with eating whatever they can throw together or purchase quickly. This leads to further nutrient depletion and more severe postpartum symptoms that have been deemed "normal" by society.

The New Mama cookbook is designed for moms who want more than just survival during the postpartum phase—they want to thrive. If you're looking to heal from childbirth with minimal physical pain, emotional overwhelm, and the common postpartum issues like hair loss, constipation, and exhaustion, this book is for you.

While traditional postpartum care focuses only on the bare essentials—checkups and medical management—there is little emphasis on nutrition, leaving you to fend for yourself in terms of recovery. The New Mama fills this gap by offering a comprehensive nutritional approach to postpartum care, backed by science and Ayurvedic wisdom, to give you the tools you need to heal and flourish with strength, clarity, and emotional resilience.

This cookbook also allows you to continue the healthy habits you established during pregnancy in an easy, effective, and accessible way without spending hours in the kitchen or making separate meals for you and your family.

The transformation that awaits you

Imagine this: you’re 3 months postpartum. Even though your baby doesn’t sleep through the night, you wake up each morning energized for the day, and the afternoon slump is a thing of the past.

You’re able to remember important information, answer all your toddlers questions, and clearly focus on the task at hand. Your milk supply is thriving and baby is growing well with little colic or digestive issues. Besides the occasional stressor, you’re able to regulate your emotions and manage the demands of mom life. And most of all, your physical symptoms from pregnancy and childbirth have healed quickly and with minimal pain or complication.

Believe it or not, this CAN be your reality!

My first postpartum experience was what society calls “normal:” I had night sweats for weeks, my brain fog and fatigue were overwhelming, I developed many food sensitivities, and anxiety ruled my life.

Flash forward to my second postpartum experience, I was the total opposite: physically strong, mentally clear, emotionally stable, and I could enjoy foods without restriction.

The difference? How I nourished my body during labor and the first six weeks postpartum.

I wrote and developed this cookbook in real time - during my second postpartum journey - and put all the research and ancient wisdom to the test on myself. The New Mama is everything I studied, implemented, and ate during my initial postpartum recovery to help me feel incredible, despite raising a toddler and a newborn with my husband deployed on the other side of the world and little familial support.

No matter what your circumstance is like, The New Mama will help you be the mom you want to be for your kids without feeling like you're hanging on by a thread, and it will show you that all those "normal" [and frankly quite miserable] symptoms you've heard about or experienced before don't have to be YOUR normal.


By preordering The New Mama, you agree to a delayed delivery of a digital product. This preorder supports the final stages of production and publishing.

When you preorder this cookbook, you are agreeing to a $39.99 [+tax] charge on your credit card and delivery of the cookbook via email at a later date. This means you are subscribing to The Well Nourished Mama email list and agree to receive email communication from Brooke Harmer and The Well Nourished Mama LLC.

As a thank you for your support in preordering The New Mama, you will receive a complimentary meal prep guide, additional free downloads and resources, and exclusive discounts not available anywhere else.

You will be notified via email when the cookbook is officially published and available for download.

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