*This link is provided if you did not purchase a follow up call initially.
When you purchase your intensive call, I will reach out via email with options for when we can schedule your call. Please watch out for an email from "hello@thewellnourishedmama".
Can I sign up if I'm pregnant or breastfeeding?
Yes! The foundational principles of health apply to you no matter what stage of motherhood you're in, but there are special considerations for pregnancy, postpartum, and lactation that a certified professional like myself can guide you through. If I believe your problem(s) are outside of my expertise, I will refer you to other practitioners who can help you.
Are you a registered dietitian?
I am a certified nutritionist who specializes in perinatal health and wellness. I received my certifications through Postpartum University and Girls Gone Strong. If I believe your problem(s) are outside of my expertise, I will refer you to other practitioners who can help you.
Do you accept refunds?
Because you are investing in a service and not a product, there are no refunds. In addition, my time is limited and valuable, and as such, I believe you and I both deserve the courtesy of 100% commitment to our zoom call(s).
1:1 intensive calls do not contain medical advice or medical nutrition therapy. By signing up, you agree to these terms.